Stephanie Seefeldt
All The Way Home
Great Hymns of Advent, Christmas, and Epiphany

Advent, Christmas, and Epiphany are three of the most stirring seasons of the church year, and the hymns for each are filled with deep spiritual meaning. This journal will walk you through the days of these seasons with stanzas of hymns - some familiar, some more obscure, all rife with meaning - and plenty of space for you to write your prayers, thoughts, and reflections along the way. You are invited to take this journal as your companion for the journey. Engage with the ancient hymn-writers whose theology helped to shape the church.

Great Hymns of Faith Journal
Hymns shaped my spiritual life long before I understood what it meant to walk with Jesus. I learned my theology with a Bible in one hand and a hymnal (Hymns II, for all those in the know!) in the other. I love to memorize their texts, ruminate on the truths they teach me about Jesus, and sing them with GUSTO.
So, I made a thing. A simple journal for 'praying the hymns'. This first edition contains 50 stanzas from well known hymns - and a few that are a bit more obscure - and two open-face pages for each hymn for you to write your reflections and prayers.